Commercial and industrial companies throughout the Northeast are now turning to East River Energy to take advantage of the recently deregulated electric market.
East River Energy is able to utilize cost management tools in order to generate savings as well as budget management. Like natural gas, the deregulation of the electric market has allowed for consumers to compare costs in a competitive market.
East River Energy has the ability to do a full electric analysis of commercial and industrial customers and provide competitive pricing not only for the power generation, but economical savings through conservation and high-efficiency electrical utilities.
Commercial and industrial companies throughout the Northeast are now turning to East River Energy to take advantage of the recently deregulated electric market. East River Energy is able to utilize cost management tools in order to generate savings as well as budget management. Like natural gas, the deregulation of the electric market has allowed for consumers to compare costs in a competitive market.
East River Energy has the ability to do a full electric analysis of commercial and industrial customers and provide competitive pricing not only for the power generation, but economical savings through conservation and high efficiency electrical utilities.
Natural Gas
Beginning with the deregulation of Natural Gas in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York, East River Energy has been a leading provider to private sector businesses as well as both State and Federal Government agencies. At East River Energy we are able to provide both fixed and differential pricing options with numerous variations of cost saving tools.
Whether you operate a firm gas meter or an interruptible, East River Energy can do a full energy audit, generate a cost savings analysis of your usage, and prepare a proposal at your request.
Firm Service
The constant service of Natural Gas with no interruption. This service is intended for commercial and industrial accounts that have no other energy generation means other than natural gas.
Interruptible Service
Gas service that is subject to interruption at the option of the pipeline or LDC. At any given time with or without notice, the customer may be shut off of natural gas and forced to use their alternative energy source. This service is intended for commercial and industrial accounts that have other means of energy than natural gas.