Home Commercial Services Electricity & Natural Gas

Commercial and industrial companies throughout the Northeast are now turning to East River Energy to take advantage of the recently deregulated electric market.

East River Energy is able to utilize cost management tools in order to generate savings as well as budget management. Like natural gas, the deregulation of the electric market has allowed for consumers to compare costs in a competitive market.

East River Energy has the ability to do a full electric analysis of commercial and industrial customers and provide competitive pricing not only for the power generation, but economical savings through conservation and high-efficiency electrical utilities.


Commercial and industrial companies throughout the Northeast are now turning to East River Energy to take advantage of the recently deregulated electric market. East River Energy is able to utilize cost management tools in order to generate savings as well as budget management. Like natural gas, the deregulation of the electric market has allowed for consumers to compare costs in a competitive market.

East River Energy has the ability to do a full electric analysis of commercial and industrial customers and provide competitive pricing not only for the power generation, but economical savings through conservation and high efficiency electrical utilities.

Natural Gas

Beginning with the deregulation of Natural Gas in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York, East River Energy has been a leading provider to private sector businesses as well as both State and Federal Government agencies. At East River Energy we are able to provide both fixed and differential pricing options with numerous variations of cost saving tools.

Whether you operate a firm gas meter or an interruptible, East River Energy can do a full energy audit, generate a cost savings analysis of your usage, and prepare a proposal at your request.

Firm Service

The constant service of Natural Gas with no interruption. This service is intended for commercial and industrial accounts that have no other energy generation means other than natural gas.

Interruptible Service

Gas service that is subject to interruption at the option of the pipeline or LDC. At any given time with or without notice, the customer may be shut off of natural gas and forced to use their alternative energy source. This service is intended for commercial and industrial accounts that have other means of energy than natural gas.

east river energy residential service areas

East River Energy

Proudly Serving Customers in 13 States and Growing
emergency response

East River Energy is available and at your service around the clock during any emergency situation (super storms, power outages, and other natural disasters)

Smoke Alarms and CO Detectors

East River Energy would like to remind residents of the importance of installing and maintaining smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in the home.

While there are many different brands of smoke alarms for sale, they are of two basic types: ionization or photoelectric. Ionization alarms sound more quickly when a flaming, fast-moving fire occurs. Photoelectric alarms are quicker at sensing smoldering, smoky fires. Some units on the market combine both technologies and are called dual sensor smoke alarms.

Smoke alarms can be purchased locally at a variety of stores. Some are intended to be "hard wired" into the electrical system in the house (a qualified electrician should do this work). Some units are battery powered, requiring only a screwdriver for installation. The manufacturer's instructions for installation should be followed carefully. Smoke alarms should be tested monthly, and if they have batteries, those should be replaced annually.

Smoke alarms should be located on every level of your home, including the basement. For extra safety you may want to install alarms both inside and outside of sleeping areas.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless and tasteless toxic gas that comes from gas-fired appliances, charcoal grills, wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, space heaters and cars.

The initial symptoms of CO poisoning are similar to the "flu" but without the usual fever. They include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. A victim's skin may appear red in color. Because it cannot be smelled, seen or tasted, it can kill people before they know it is present in their dwelling.

It is recommended that a CO alarm with an audible warning signal be installed near the sleeping areas of your home and outside of individual bedrooms. Buy an alarm that has been tested by a nationally recognized testing lab such as Underwriters' Laboratories (UL). Follow the manufactures instructions for installation and testing.

A few simple precautions can also reduce the chance of accidental exposure to CO:

  • Have a qualified professional check all fuel-burning appliances, furnaces, chimneys and venting systems in your home at least once a year.
  • Never use your oven or range to heat you home, and never use a charcoal grill or hibachi inside your house or garage.
  • Never keep a car running in your garage, even with the garage doors open.
  • If your running a portable generator it should be OUTSIDE away from the house to prevent CO from entering your residence.